Thanks for your clarification. I just read up on (some of) the differences between common and civil law. Never realized those!
here is the miracle wheat trial transcript..
Thanks for your clarification. I just read up on (some of) the differences between common and civil law. Never realized those!
"no honey, daddy doesn't like this book.
do you have a nice book we can read?.
as far as i know my wife and i agree this book would be off-limits.
So at my parent-in-law's home my 2 year old child presented me with a 'My Book With Bible Stories'.
"Will you read me this book daddy?"
No honey, daddy doesn't like this book. Do you have a nice book we can read?
As far as I know my wife and I agree this book would be off-limits. Apparently not.
So I'll have to bring this topic up once again, and I did a quick check on the stories to back my argument.
Well I knew it's a bad book, but I was surprised anyway.
Total number of stories wholly inappropriate for children: 91 out of 116, or 78%
Only 25 stories where nobody dies, is murdered, or raped.
FYI I have been quite generous while counting: each story is only counted once. A story that contains all of violence, rape, murder and genocide is counted in only 1 category.
The total number of occurrences of topics inappropriate for children is even higher!
Fuck me, this book is a big no-go for my baby girl!
if i'm tierd i fall asleep anywere so the meetings ect were no diffrent my wife would always try to wake me but im a deep sleeper.
karter .
Yup. That's why I always asked for any 'priviliges' to be scheduled during the afternoon session
here is the miracle wheat trial transcript..
This was a Supreme Court case? Why? Did the parties not agree with lower court rulings?
i recently posted about what would happen if my mom got sick,seeing that i'm apostate.
even today i posted on a thread about blood transfusions.. i just received a text from my brother saying that my mom is in hospital and requires a transfusion to survive....is this a coincidence?.
am i being punished by jehovah, or is the devil out to get me...i dont know anymore what to do.... things are getting too much, guess i should not have joked so much in my posts..
Am I being punished by Jehovah, or is the devil out to get me...I dont know anymore what to do...
To me it looks that if anyone is being punished by God, it's your mom, not you. Maybe she's in the wrong cult religion?
But more seriously: your mind has been trained to interpret everything that comes your way in JW terms. Want more examples?
Basically, whatever happens JW minds have been trained to interpret it according to their beliefs. Funnily, all other believers do exactly the same!
The hospital is full of sick people. Did Jehovah make all of them sick? Or are they - and your mother - sick simply because people happen to get sick? You know the answer to that!
Additionally, if Jehovah would be sending you messages by killing your devout mother, he'd a bigtime asshole not worthy of any worship!
So, to comfort you, Jehovah didn't read this forum, and he is not making your mother sick to send you a message! That idea is cult indoctrination messing with your brain and emotions. And the indoctrination is working, because you're felling guilty, and your next move might be returning to the JW cult...
Hope your mother pulls through! Big hug for you and your family!
Stay calm and sane.
jehovahs witnesses have been outspoken over the years/decades that christendom have been hiding or obscuring or even eliminating gods name jehovah from the general public.. how true is that statement .?.
1. it was a catholic monk of the 13th century that first coined the name jehovah in the english language.. 2.the roman catholic douay version of the bible does have the name jehovah in it.
about the 16th century.
Anybody else see a problem reconciling these two claims?
so a couple of nights ago i was speaking with a relative and we began talking about the organization.
i had to asked her "why do you believe that this religion is the correct one?
" they stood quiet for a second but then said that they view and feel genuine christian love, a type of love that is spoken about in the bible.
Most JW will give this same reason.
Could it be that they all concluded JW are The One True Religion based on the facts they observed?
Or could it be that they all think they concluded this, after many Watchtower studies that repeated over and over again that 1) love is the singlemost important hallmark of True Religion and 2) only Watchtower followers posess this true love?
It's also nice that whenever any other religion has some kind of quarrel among it's members, JW will conlcude it's a sign that love is lacking. Whenever JW have a quarrel, it's an opportunity to forgive and love. 'See, this is the only loving bORg!'
i always found it uncomfortable to informal witness to people but trying to convince a jw to jump ship brings much more pleasure..
Yes, very much.
By coincidence I noted this yesterday, when in a restaurant with my 2 year old daughter, JW wife and in-laws.
Daughter started 'singing' Jehovah Jehovah Jehovah or whatever (thanks MIL and your effing JW videos!). I didn't care at all. When still a JW I'd be glowing red and ashamed, but not now :-)
Same with the mandatory silent prayer of the others at my table: I didn't care at all, whereas when I was a JW I'd be trying to hide behind the candles on the table :-D
I have nothing to be ashamed of. The JW on the other hand....
this is probably going to unnerve some on here or make them uncomfortable.we always hear, why didn't the elders call the cops first instead of the wt society (lawyers/attorneys).
in cases of child molestation or other incidents.this video is why and if you're smart you'll follow their example.i'm not taking the wtbts side on this just so you know in advance because i do not agree with the two witness rule at all.but be that as it may,this is by far the best lawyer/attorney and law professor i've ever heard on the subject of why you should never talk to the police and always let an investigation be made through counsel.this is why in the usa you have the right to remain silent when talking to police/authorities but even more important what the fifth amendment really entails and why it would behoove us all to understand what can happen even if you are totally innocent and have nothing to hide but how things can go horribly wrong.if i ever have to go to court for anything i can only hope that i got a lawyer as competent as this one the vid is approx 46 minutes long but well worth investing that time because if you had to talk to a lawyer it would cost you a lot to receive what this professor covers in this.the majority is from the law professor and the remaining minutes are of a former police captain/investigator with his insights and opinions.and just to be clear, i'm not suggesting that the elders not call the police because they should in cases of child molestation but rather they better get legal advice to protect themselves so that they don't have to answer for the wtbts decisions.look how many former (ex) elders we have on sites like this one and others and i'm so happy they got free of the wt but also they didn't get in trouble by accidentally saying/doing the wrong thing.all of us can benefit by following this advice in the video and i hope you enjoy it and to know what your rights arehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-7o9xyp7ee.
There is quite a difference between reporting a crime to the police without any legal assistance at all, and doing completely nothing because corporate policy tells to cover it up.
And Watchtower legal dept. would throw individual elders under the bus if that would mean less liability for Watchtower. Given the restructuring of the process on appointing pioneers, elders and managing congregations WT already have shown they like to put the legal liability on individual JW slaves.
Therefore any elder involved in either reporting or covering up a crime should have personal legal representation that doesn't serve Watchtower interest first.
it's been a while since i posted life updates.
this time we are having a baby boy come along in a few months.
off course nothing is ever easy, my wife is extremely anemic to the extent we are being referred to a hematologist for iron and/or packed red blood cells and potential full blood transfusions.
I was just reading an article that explained that repeated and long term exposure to false information will always leave a trace. Even years after a person learns that the information is wrong, and now knows and accepts the correct information, his reaction is slightly influenced or delayed because of the lingering false info.
So I guess we all have the same. It's an unconscious effect of how our brain works.
Congrats with your son-to-come, best wishes for him and his parents!